Meet the team

Meet the team

Solutions for a Sustainable Future – A Community Action Group in it for the Long Haul

“Diversity doesn’t look like anyone, it looks like everyone”

Stretton Climate Care is looking for people from our community to join our board of trustees. If you would like to join us, we would love to meet you. No experience is needed – just care for the climate!

For an informal chat contact David 07906 058235 or [email protected]

Trustee Info and Application Pack

‘diversity’ quotation from Karen Draper, ‘The Place of Us’

Our Members

Our existence, and our activity, depends entirely on our membership. Most of us live in or fairly near Church Stretton, but we are in touch with friends as far afield as Japan, Canada, the USA and Luton.

All our volunteers are members (though not all members are volunteers!) and we offer training appropriate to whatever they do. If required, we arrange for DBS clearance.

Meet the Team


David Matthews - Chairman

David Matthews leads our resource management team and is heavily involved with the Repair Cafe. He has campaigned on environmental issues for many years, but becoming a grandad has inspired him to do more. David recently retired to live in Church Stretton after a career in IT, project management and environmental consulting.

Lorna Taylor - Vice Chair

Lorna Taylor is lead on the SCC website and social media. With her background in knowledge management she provides an 'information service' alerting SCC colleagues to breaking news, government reports etc. Her eagle eye scans our documents, and although she doesn't necessarily know the answer, generally knows where to find it!

Jon Cooke - Publicity Officer

Our Publicity Officer Jon Cooke was our founder chairman and still is one of our main driving forces. He ensures the media know what we are up to. He joins us after a career in education, where he ended up as a primary head teacher.

Chris Shipman - Secretary

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Phil Walker - Treasurer

Our Treasurer, Phil Walker, is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Surrey, Guildford. He is now resident in Church Stretton. He enjoys problem solving, especially when there is a solution.

Jane Wrench - Trustee

Jane Wrench has been a Trustee since we started, and is Assistant Treasurer. She makes sure our Duck Races are successful and fun for all involved!

Marcus Cash - Trustee

Retired Deputy Headmaster and geography teacher.

Mike Hymas - Trustee

Mike Hymas, our erstwhile Secretary, is now able to devote more time to reading and responding to a wide range of documents and proposals on our behalf.

Roger Thorpe - Trustee

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Jane Edwards -Trustee

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The Giving Machine
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Support and Donations

Donating to Stretton Climate Care is easy and won’t cost you a penny to support our planet.
The Giving Machine

Stretton Climate Care Events

Stretton Climate Care host regular local event for all the family.