Client Earth have won their case in the High Court to force the Government to publish their air pollution reduction plans before the General Election. Book your tickets now, £6.00, to hear James Thornton and Martin Goodman talking about how Client Earth use the law to stop ecological suicide. See our events pages for further details.
ecoreader says
The government has now announced its air pollution reduction plans, and they are not worth the paper they are written on. You would hardly think that current levels of pollution are a threat to the lives of tens of thousands of people, nor that the health of thousands of children is at risk from diesel emissions, as cars churn past their primary schools.
All the more reason to come to the Silvester Horne Institute in Church Stretton at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 2nd June, to hear what James Thornton of Client Earth is proposing as the next steps.
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