Stretton in Twenty Years

Stretton in Twenty Years

What would the Strettons have to be like, twenty years from now, for people to want to live and work here?

That was the initial question posed in May 2017 by Stretton Climate Care to the local community.  It sparked off a series of discussions covering not only that first question, but also two more: What should we be doing NOW in order to prepare a sustainable future for the Strettons?  And..How do we make best use of present resources and talents to achieve a sustainable vision?

After nearly a year of engagement and discussion among the local community, we’ve published ‘Sustainable Strettons – A Vision for the Future’ – a short description of what the Strettons of 2040 might be like.   It’s undeniably optimistic, and the reality could be very different, but the main message is that it’s up to us how it turns out; and the hope is that the original desire to ‘keep the smile on the face of the Strettons’ will come to fruition.

You can read the report here Sustainable Strettons Download it free, and discuss it with your friends. And do let us know what you think – by commenting below or contacting us