Never Mind Lambeth, Do the Climate Walk

Never Mind Lambeth, Do the Climate Walk

On Saturday 21stSeptember we are organising a peaceful walk to show solidarity for concern about the climate. This is part of a week of Global Climate Strike mobilisation, September 20 – 27th and is a joint response by a broad coalition of groups, NGOs, unions and social movements across the world to young people’s call to action for September.

Meet outside the Co-op Foodstore at 1.30pm and we will walk up to the tea room in Carding Mill valley for a cuppa (and possibly cake.) Some banners and leaflets for distribution will be provided.

Church Stretton Town Council, along with others across the country has declared there is a “climate emergency” and you are invited to join the walk as a sign of support and solidarity. We all need to do more to reduce carbon emissions and help avoid the climate catastrophe we all face unless individuals, local councils and national governments alike take the necessary action to meet zero carbon targets as quickly as possible.


Please email us at  [email protected] to let us know if you are coming.



Ecowarrior says

Well done Stretton Climate Care. Hope lots of folk will join you on the Walk. We all need to show solidarity. Just wish the Government would realise every day of delay before leading the way on carbon reduction is another day lost. What is it they are scared of.? Brexit should be no excuse. Reaching zero carbon by 2050 maybe possible but will it be too late.? Up to individuals to show they are willing to take action.

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