Regular Advice Sessions at the Wellbeing Centre in Easthope Road
- Every Thursday from 10.00 till 12.00 noon there is a chance to discuss any matters relating to improving the energy efficiency of your home or simply getting the best deal for your electricity.
The Strettons Biodiversity and Carbon Emissions Survey
- To map improvements in the state of biodiversity and carbon reduction measures in the three parishes of All Stretton, Church Stretton and Little Stretton, Stretton Climate Care are conducting an ongoing survey over the coming months and need your help.
Do you have a garden pond (however small) a wild area, a bird feeder, a bee / bug hotel or a bird box in your garden? Do you have, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels, Air or Ground Source heating (ASHP) , or an all-electric car (EV)?
If you have any of these, please complete The Strettons Biodiversity and climate emissions survey:
Word document 2024 Data collection sheet
PDF document 2024 Data collection sheet
and return to [email protected] or leave the paper copy for us at Stretton Climate Care c/o Mayfair Community Centre, Easthope Road, Church Stretton, SY6 6BL.
The results will be shared with the whole community. Thank you.
Areas of advice available at every weekly drop-in session include:
- Heating
- Lighting
- Energy efficient household goods
- Way to save money on your heating bills
- Oil and L.P.G. bulk ordering
- Understanding your energy bills and reading meters
- Smart energy monitor loan service
- Understanding your heating controls, including night storage heaters
- Finding the cheapest energy supplier and how to swop
- Loft floor and cavity wall insulation and any available grants / subsidies
- Solid wall insulation
- Draught proofing
- Promoting low Carbon Transport
- Photovoltaic panels
- Solar Hot water and the Renewable Heat Incentive
- Advice on approved renewable energy installers we work with
- An audit of your household use of energy and how to reduce your carbon footprint (and your energy bills)
- General advice on renewable heat sources, wood burners / ground source heat pumps / air source heat pumps
- Water saving
- No cost and low cost energy saving tips
- Discreet and confidential advice for those struggling to afford to heat their homes
- And if we don’t know the answer to your enquiry we will know someone who will
Climate Care Talks
We give talks to other bodies, schools and groups on climate change issues and ways to help those in fuel poverty. Find out when out next talks are happening.
Agilent Technologies UK
We have supported Aligent Technologies UK in their work to reduce their impact on climate change.
International Experts
We arrange talks, bringing to Church stretton national and international experts on a range of issues, many of which attracts an audience from all over Shropshire. Find out when out next talks are happening.
Elizabeth Kirby says
Further to my enquiry earlier this month, regarding the Green Homes Grant Scheme, I want to thank you for your help, and also to let you know I have contacted Shropshire Green Energy Centre in Telford, and they have registered my application for the above Grant Scheme, and will contact me when a survey date and time is available.
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