We can offer many ideas to help keep energy costs down, from simple DIY ideas to advice on the latest heating systems and any grants which may be available.
Future Ready Homes Installers/ Contractors Directory
We have also helped compile a list of local Marches suppliers, specialists, and installers, which will shortly be more conveniently searchable on a website.
The Future Ready Homes Directory is a good place to start to find local trusted contractors. You will find retrofit installers, tradespeople and professionals who can help you improve the energy efficiency of your home and decarbonise your heat and power. It is advisable to speak to at least 3 different firms, ask to see examples of their previous work, and speak to previous customers.
The new directory has been many months in the making in a collaboration between Marches Energy Agency, Lightfoot Energy Services, Stretton Climate Care and Hereford Green Network. The entries are based on customer recommendations. The area covered by this directory is broadly Shropshire including Telford & Wrekin, Herefordshire and Powys. Customer recommendations can also be added.
Choice of heating system. We have many years of experience and can discuss the options with you, considering an Air or Ground Source Heat Pump might appropriate and we can refer you to an expert and suitably qualified contractor.
Running your heating system efficiently. Our volunteers can help you understand your controls including night storage radiators and discuss the best means of running your system and/or suggest new control systems where appropriate.
We can offer Specialist support with links to a range of experts for those struggling to heat their homes adequately.
If you require more information about our home heating advice then please contact us and we will be happy to help.
We can provide help on using Energy
- understanding and checking your energy bills and finding the right supplier for you
- choosing energy efficient household appliances like tumble dryers etc
- low energy lighting –which need not be dull nor boring!
- installing photo voltaic panels (PV) to generate your own green electricity-advice and links to expert and reliable contractors
- smart PV control systems to help maximise surplus electricity and using it to power immersion heaters
- advice regarding Smart Meters
- FREE audit of your use of energy and how to reduce your bills
- Insulation (see below)
If you would like more information about our any aspect of the services we offer, then please contact us and we will be happy to help.
We can advise on appropriate Insulation
Loft and cavity wall insulation –some free offers available still, especially for those on Benefits.
Draught proofing.
Solid wall insulation/floor insulation.
We offer a FREE Thermal Imaging Service, to show if any areas of your home are unnecessarily losing heat.
If you would like more information about our any aspect of the services we offer, then please contact us and we will be happy to help.
Saving Water
We have experience of many water saving ideas which help to keep bills down.
If you require more information and tips about saving water then please contact us and we will be happy to help.
Looking for more information?
If we don’t know the answer to your enquiry we will know someone who will. We would also point you towards the Energy & Buildings section of the South Shropshire Climate Action website with whom we work closely.