Introduction to our work on Energy and Buildings

Introduction to our work on Energy and Buildings

We live in a vibrant community with buildings of all ages, shapes and sizes. And subject to all weathers.                

We need to make our homes ready for the climate changes which are already coming.

Perhaps the starting point is to know what carbon emissions we are individually responsible for. There are many carbon calculators available. Here are a few links:

Carbon Footprint Calculator For Individuals And Households Simple to use and includes a section on implicit or secondary carbon emissions. You can go further and support Carbon Offsetting Projects that both tackle climate change and support impoverished communities across the world.

The WWF footprint calculator Very quick and very easy use, with lots of useful information. A fun to use tool for involving all the family.

The Community Carbon Calculator  Created by the Centre for Sustainable Energy and the University of Exeter, with this tool you can also see the carbon footprint for your community. The Exeter link is to their Grand Challenges student project week, 3-7 June 2023.

Preparing our homes for the future (Retrofitting) is a way of making them more energy efficient (cheaper to keep warm)  more comfortable and lower carbon.  A good starting point is to look at South Shropshire Climate Action guide to retrofitting Energy Efficient Homes toolkit. These sheets offer a step by step guide and advice as to the order things should be done.

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Stretton Climate Care Events

Stretton Climate Care host regular local event for all the family.