The transport hierarchy indicates that before we choose to make a journey by car or van, we should consider whether that that journey could be avoided or whether the mode of transport could be transferred to an alternative with less impact. For example, can a local van journey be carried out by a cargo bike instead? Could local deliveries be grouped at consolidation depot near a main road? Could a car journey switch to walking or cycling? A very high proportion of car journeys are under 2 miles and electric bikes can take the strain out of our hills!
However, if a car or van is needed then chouse a battery electric model. There are over 100 different types of electric cars now available and they work out much cheaper to run if you can charge at home. Nearly all manufacturers have electric vans as well. These can cut the cost of deliveries as recharging from home or depot is much cheaper than re-fuelling. They also have a much lower carbon footprint in use which soon outweighs the additional emissions used in manufacture. Stretton Climate Care’s members have experience of many electric vehicles and can offer their experience if you get in touch. Try and avoid some of the largest electric vehicles if possible, as their weight and larger batteries require a significant increase in energy use.
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Electric buses and vans are gradually being brought into use and heavy lorries are also starting to become available.
All these Improvements will help reduce carbon emissions.
Stretton Climate Care can offer advice about electric cars and chargers.
Electrification of the railway through Church Stretton will be necessary to achieve net zero.
Although Shropshire Council has responsibility for progressing most of these measures, we also have a personal responsibility and opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions in Church Stretton and area.
Examples of when these opportunities arise are:
when we decide to avoid making a journey -by using a local supplier, or working from home
We can Shift our journeys by car to use buses, cycling or walking
We can Improve our method of transport when we choose to purchase an electric vehicle