Stretton Climate Care recognises the impact that climate change will have and is already having on food production and supply. Increased temperatures are known to have an effect on plant growth and even viability, while the loss of biodiversity has consequences on pollination. The growth of livestock production brings with it more greenhouse gases; the demand for pasture, as well as for palm oil, leads to the destruction of ecologically essential rainforests. Changes in rainfall patterns, prolonged and more frequent droughts, and the drying-up of water sources create more and more arid land; food production becomes unsustainable, threatening both national and global food networks.
As inequalities between rich and poor grow, current diet in developed countries has created an obesity epidemic, endangering longer-term health.
Stretton Climate Care argues for a sustainable lifestyle, reducing food waste, moving to local organic production and supply, to a more plant-based diet, to growing your own food where possible, and to cooperative ventures.
Further information can be obtained from:
South Shropshire Climate Action
Zero Carbon Shropshire <<< needs a more specific link, but I can’t see anything appropriate >>>
We recommend:
Shropshire Good Food Partnership
WRAP (Water and Resources Action Programme)
Further Reading:
Tim Lang, “Feeding Britain – Our Food Problems and How to Fix Them” (London, 2020)
Dieter Helm, “Green and Prosperous Land. A Blueprint for Rescuing the British Countryside” (London, 2019)