Donald Trump says it’s no longer a Chinese conspiracy. It’s happening, but it’s all part of a natural cycle, and it will change back, so he’s not wasting trillions on stopping it happening. If he’d spend eight minutes watching this, he might change his mind. Because it will cost trillions more to pick up the pieces when it’s happened, and it will go on happening.
ecoreader says
The trouble is that, from what we know of the concentration span of the person who is now President of the United States, eight minutes is far too long. He can only deal with 140 characters, and even that seems to be a stretch.
Good video for showing to young people though - they are far more intelligent.
Ecowarrior says
It’s all very well knocking Donald Trump, just as much concern should be levelled at the U.K. Government who really don’t seem concerned at the IPCC’s latest report. It really is a wake up call that much more urgent action is needed to reduce Co2. 80% reduction by 2050 is still too little too late, but by then most of the present leaders of our country will be in their dotage and if still with us, past caring about the catastrophic effect 2degrees of warming will have on the rest of us.
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