Wind Power – The Facts, Benefits and Opportunities

Wind Power – The Facts, Benefits and Opportunities

Stretton Climate Care welcomes Gerry Jewson, Chair of Wind2, on Monday 27th March, 7.30 pm at the Methodist Church, Watling Street South, Church Stretton.

Our speaker, Gerry Jewson, will give a presentation on Onshore Wind Power. Gerry has 35 years’ experience in the energy industry and is Chairman of Wind 2, a wind power development company. He has been responsible for the development of over 655 megawatts of wind power in the UK. Gerry will discuss the benefits of wind power and some of the requirements and constraints relating to wind energy. He will also outline opportunities and challenges for local community involvement in wind projects. He will illustrate successful projects from his extensive experience in the wind turbine industry.

The government has recognised that onshore wind power in England is essential to the achievement of net zero carbon emissions by de-carbonising our electricity supply. Changes to the National Planning Policy Framework are proposed. More onshore wind power would result in lower electricity costs and enable us to increasingly use electricity for transport and heating as well as industrial processes. Selection of sites for major wind power developments will generally exclude Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty such as the area around Church Stretton.

This talk will enable everyone attending to have a better understanding of the issues as the government moves to relax the virtual ban on onshore wind power in England.

If you wish to delve deeper and do some background reading, note that the Climate Change Committee published on 9 March their report Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system.


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